
綱川 千帆/ピアニスト

栃木県生まれ。3歳よりピアノを始める。10歳の時に才能を見出され、12歳より渡英しミケランジェリの最高弟子であったノレッタ・コンチ氏に師事。特待奨学生として英国王立音楽院青少年のため の音楽教室に通う。ロンドン芸術学校中等部、パーセル音楽高等学校卒業。高校在学中、シューベルトの 五 重 奏 “ます” をクラシックFMラジオで演奏。また、チャールズ皇太子を招待して行われたコンサートに出演。


名誉あるセント・ジョンズ・スミス・スクエア、ロイヤルオペラハウス、ウィグモアホール、セント・マーティン・イン・ザ・フィールズ、ロイヤルフェスティバルホール、ブリストル大聖堂などにおける多くのコンサートに選抜され、 ソロ、室内楽で出演する。ソリストとして国内外のコンクールで優する他、室内楽奏者としても数々のコンクールで優勝。


2010年王立音楽大学大学院在学中、アンサンブル・ディスクワイエットと、メンデルスゾーン作曲 《ヴァイオリンとピアノのための協奏曲》を共演。同年、ルーマニアのアテネ音楽堂にてリサイタルを 行いスタンディングオベーションを受ける。2011年、ルーマニアで同協奏曲をルムニク・ヴルチャフィルハーモニー交響楽団と共演。その他、各国大使館主催のコンサートに多数出演。


Chiho Tsunakawa, piano
Chiho Tsunakawa is widely regarded as one of the most exciting pianists of her generation. Born in Tochigi, Japan, Chiho started her piano studies aged 3.Chiho’s musical talents were discovered very early on. After winning numerous national prizes and being featured on NHK’s Radio and TV stations, Chiho was advised to move to London to study piano under the guidance of Noretta Conci-Leech, a highly-regarded pupil of Benedetti Michelangeli.

Aged 12, Chiho left her native country to study in the UK, attending the junior department of the prestigious Royal Academy of Music and the Purcell School of Music before winning a scholarship to continue her studies at the former. After winning over 10 internal prizes, Chiho was awarded both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees under the guidance of Tessa Nicholson and Rustem Hayroudinoff. Subsequently, Chiho completed her ‘Masters in Performance’ Degree after moving to the Royal College of Music under Gordon Fergus- Thompson.

Chiho has given many concerts throughout the UK and abroad in venues including St Martin-in- the-Fields,St James Piccadilly, St John’s Smith Square, Regent Hall, Wigmore Hall, the Linbury Studio Theatre at the Royal Opera House, Bristol Cathedral, the Royal Festival Hall, concert halls in Wales and Scotland, Newbury Spring Festival, Aylesbury Festival, the Tenby Arts Festival, the Marile Sarate Muzicale Festival (the great musical evenings)of Bucharest and Brasov, the Carl Filtsch Festival in Sibiu, and many more, as a soloist as well as a chamber musician.

Chiho has also toured Japan and Romania with her Violin-Piano duo and made symphonic appearances in London and Romania. Their performance at the Concert Hall of the Bucharest Athenaeum was received with standing ovations and they have been invited to perform at international music festivals numerous times, many of which were broadcast on radio or television.

Chiho has added an undeniable aura to the venues she graces with her pleasing presence and engaging manner; through her talent and professionalism, she rewards her audiences time and again with concerts to remember.